About Flowers, part 1

Been a few weeks since my last post, but we have been quite busy around our house with a remodel project. We decided to have a few friends (30 or so) over last Saturday night to help celebrate the 100th birthday of our house and let them see the work we have done. Several folks brought flowers for the evening. Another friend took the flowers and put them into vases for the dinner tables (thanks Lynne!). That gave me the thought to go to a topic out of sequence for what I originally wanted to explore in this blog. Flowers… let’s look at floral images!

Flowers against a grey wall
I usually don’t take pictures of picked flowers and prefer those that are still firmly attached to the ground.

But the gift of flowers gave me the opportunity to take pictures of plants and flowers we didn’t already have. These first two pictures are of a couple of the bouquets for the evening. Nothing really special about these images other than the pretty flowers in the vases.

the flowers
One of the key things about photography is to take pictures of what people think they see as opposed to what is really there. Our minds alter what the eye sees. That is hard to replicate with a camera lens. For example, when you see a full moon as it rises over the horizon, we see it in relation to the buildings, trees, or whatever is in our line of sight. But if you remove those objects (i.e., look through a tube to isolate the moon), the moon looks smaller. You can use a telephoto lens to replicate what your mind sees in this case.


Perhaps it is more appropriate to say that a good photograph captures what is really there… but a photograph is simply a two dimensional image that captured a moment in time. A great photograph is one that includes the intangible things such as mood, feeling, texture, time, and more. It makes you linger a moment and think. One of the things I noticed about the way people looked at the floral arrangements we had on the tables is that they got closer to the flowers to examine them. Sometimes they would smell them. Sometimes feel them. And other times simply look at them from different angles. So I decided to take a closer look myself — and use my camera to do it.
I started with a dahlia plant.


Most people would just go with this type of image (above). What if we focus on a single flower? How about this one that looks like a turboprop?


What does it look like from the back or when the petals are highlighted by the sun?

Now for the flowers in the vases. Looking at the bouquets we see the colors and textures of a few of the blooms.


The red folds of the petals draw you in. The happy, abstract purple and white pattern is worth getting lost in.

Then again, the gentle white flower with its delicate edges might just bring a sense of calming.

Going a little closer brings up to the more otherworldly side of things. what we see seems not of this planet or a little abstract.


Perhaps the image brings a thought of flames or purple eyelids.

Or perhaps the image is just an abstract set of lines and color destined to fill a two by three foot void on a wall somewhere and become a focal point for thought.

That is the way I look at a bouquet of flowers.

– Eric

argus c3 bug

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The Great Escarpment goes from the northeast of South Africa and swings in a wide semicircle down to the south and then back to the northwest corner of the country.  It separates the high central plateau of South Africa from the coastal areas.

Wikipedia has a great image of this.

The Highveld is basically between 5,000 and 6,800 feet in elevation and is part of the central plateau in South Africa. The Lowveld is lower than about 500 meters (1,650 feet). It is basically to the east and northeast of the central plateau. And yes, if you are wondering, there is a middleveld. It is more often referred to as the Bushveld.

The Highveld is basically between 5,000 and 6,800 feet in elevation and is part of the central plateau in South Africa. The Lowveld is lower than about 500 meters (1,650 feet). It is basically to the east and northeast of the central plateau. And yes, if you are wondering, there is a middleveld. It is more often referred to as the Bushveld.

While the highveld is more like a prairie of grasses and the lowveld is grassland with scrubby brush and occasional trees, the bushveld is, amazingly, kind of between them. The bushveld is grassy lands with lots of patches of tall bushes and trees.

At least that is how I would describe them.

Daylin Paul is a fantastic photographer. A collection of his images is called Broken Land. From the October 6, 2019, Sunday Times:
“…the collection begins with aerial photographs of the seemingly legendary natural beauty of the province before Paul’s lens zooms ever closer in for a look at the realities on the ground.
“There pollution is rampant; those who are not lucky enough to find employment in the power industry are forced into dangerous subsistence mining for survival and many residents of towns and informal settlements that abut the power stations are without a proper water or electricity supply and suffer from diseases such as TB.”
Paul is quoted in the article as saying that the connection the indigenous people had to the land is broken. “Now the land is just a place where you put up a house or you dig for something.”
The article continues a bit later with this statement: “When Paul hears US President Donald Trump talking about ‘clean coal’, his experiences in Mpumalanga lead him to react with disdain and outrage because ‘there’s no such thing’.”
The whole article, and its images, was simply stunning. You can read it here, but you must be a subscriber to the paper first.
But better yet, you can see Paul’s own website to see the collection of images called Broken Land here: https://www.daylinpaul.com/broken-land

I had heard from people about the issues with the power industry in South Africa, but didn’t know how severe it was. As one person related to me, “the president has taken a lot of money from the coal power industry. The bribes were there to keep the industry free from too many regulations.” Or as one watchdog group there says, “Public procurement is particularly prone to corruption, and bribery thrives at the central government level.”

I am talking about South Africa, of course. I know nothing like that happens in the States.


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